ironic part of it is that the rest of my body is full
of thick hair. I am like the Wolfman. (Not the monster from the old horror movies, but DJ Wolfman Jack [who is still pretty furry].) So luckily, I will never have to buy a product like this to increase my manhood.
Since I have realized it is futile to try and grow a full beard, over winter break I attempted to grow just a mustache. For three long weeks I grew and grew. While the ladies may have balked at my aspiring stache, we all know that they love the tingliness. Sadly, my mustache didn't work out and I removed it. It was fun while it lasted, but it made me look Mexican (not that theres anything wrong with that, but why should I try to be something I'm not).

how i wanted my mustache
to look
how my mustache turned out
I just want to say that I laughed out loud at your blog. I even had to read some parts of it to one of my roommates.
When I read your blog title of "my ultimate goal in life" I was expecting a relatively serious post, but was pleased to find that it was funny.
I think that my ultimate, although slightly unachievable goal, would be to fly. This may not be my ultimate goal if you ask me again in a couple of days, but it was the first goal that came to life right away.
I would love to fly, or at least get as close to it as possible.
Good luck on your future endeavors of growing facial hair!
Facial hair can be a patience game.
Many moons ago when I was your age I struggled to grow a mustache. At the time I was in the navy and thought I needed it to look more 'masculine'. A friend of mine suggested that I needed to let it grow for a few weeks then shave for a few weeks and keep repeating the process. I tried that a few times. Ultimately I just had to live with a straggly mustache for awhile until it finally filled in.
Sorry I can't offer you any quick fix. But if you can learn the patience game now I can guarantee it will pay dividends throughout your lifetime.
Hilarious. I have to say I'm surprised you used Tom Sellik as your model. To me, Burt Reynolds seems to be the natural choice.
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