it's one thing if you have long hair that can cover it up, but it looks stupid. having some large piece of plastic attached to your ear that makes you look like you're talking to yourself doesn't make you look cool or technologically advanced. it makes you look like a douche. you may think your better than me mr. douche, but you sir, are not. who do you think you are, mr. popular? can't go a minute without talking to someone on the phone? get over yourself.
I hate it when people come up to me at work and they're talking into those things. I now have to pause a bit and figure out if they're talking to me or to whoever is living in their ear.
I'll tell you this, those things are the first part of a large plan for aliens to take over human bodies and destroy Earth.
I hate how sometimes you can't tell if someone is wearing a bluetooth headset so for a minute you're not sure if the guy is talking to you or is just some schizophrenic.
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