The one thing I want more than anything else in life is the ability to grow some nice facial hair. I would give anything for the ability to grow a thick, full, manly beard. But alas, every time I attempt to grow a beard I end up with light

patches and individual strands of beard. The
ironic part of it is that the rest of my body is full
of thick hair. I am like the Wolfman. (Not the monster from the old horror movies, but DJ Wolfman Jack [who is still pretty furry].) So luckily, I will never have to buy a product like
this to increase my manhood.
Since I have realized it is futile to try and grow a full beard, over winter break I attempted to grow just a mustache. For three long weeks I grew and grew. While the ladies may have balked at my aspiring stache, we all know that they love the tingliness. Sadly, my mustache didn't work out and I removed it. It was fun while it lasted, but it made me look Mexican (not that theres anything wrong with that, but why should I try to be something I'm not).

how i wanted my mustache
to look
how my mustache turned out